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    Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET Ahead) is a gender-sensitive entrepreneurship training programme designed for women and men with basic numeracy or literacy skills. GET Ahead aims to address some of the barriers women face in starting and running a business, including lack of entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, low confidence, and gendered norms and roles that increase the burden of household and care responsabilities. GET Ahead bridges the gender gap in entrepreneurship support by offering women and men both the business management and key soft skills they need to start a business.

    The GET Ahead training programme is designed based on a multiplier strategy. The ILO develops an international network of GET Ahead LEAD Trainers who support the global implementation of GET Ahead. The ILO builds the capacity of local training providers to implement GET Ahead trainings through Trainings of Trainers delivered by LEAD Trainers. Certified GET Ahead Trainers are then able to deliver the GET Ahead training programme through Trainings of Entrepreneurs and post-training support. By using this multiplier strategy and building the capacity of local actors,  the  ILO  ensures  the  sustainability  of  the  GET  Ahead  trainer network.

    Gender and Entrepreneurship Together Program

    We have the following Gender and Entrepreneurship Together workshop scheduled as follows;

    Get ahead Program Dates 2nd May 2024 To Apply Click here